Saturday, March 2, 2013

College Management System

We would like to introduce SCOP as the best ERP Solution based on cutting edge technology of modern science. As you are already aware, ERP is emerging as crucial aspect of Educational Institute. Future success will hinge on promoting the Institutes and reaching out at the student/parents level in increasingly tough/competitive conditions. College Management System Module's Information :

CRM / Enquiry Management System
·         Counselor/ User  Management
·         Lead Upload/ Updated
·         Add Communication
·         Open Search for any Inquiry
·         Update status
·         Information Kiosk
·         Student list based on Selection Criteria
·         Verification of Admission Criteria
·         User wise inquiry upload/ converted / discarded with reason
·         On-line seat status display

Student Information Management
·         Masters forms like Institute master, Course master, Program master etc.
·         Student Admission form and generate unique ID number.
·         Official Information.
·         Student Details.
·         Qualification details.
·         Parents Details & Address Details.
·         Guardian Details.
·         Unique ID for personal dashboard, Smart Card
·         Document Setup.
·         Document submission.
·         SMS/Email Server Integration.
·         After form submission automatic fess due create as per course fees structure.
·         Course Wise Student List.
·         Simple Search and Advance Search for searching student with any student data fields.
·         Students Reports like Admission report, Parents qualification report. Area Wise report, Student qualification report, Transport/Hostel Student details, Student/Parent Birthday report, Blood Group, reservation category etc.
·         Customization .

Fees Management
·         Ease-of-use and flexibility for Institute Staff.
·         Role Management.
·         Head Master.
·         Structure Master.
·         Fine Setup.
·         Session Creation.
·         Dues Management.
·         Fee Relaxation.
·         Previous caution money entry.
·         Opening Balance.
·         Received fund.
·         Refund fund.
·         Fees adjustment through fund.
·         Send fund for adjustment and forfeit.
·         Fees Receipt: Bank, Cash, Draft, Credit card, adjustable, other receivable like university etc.
·         Installment details, Search receipt, student complete details (dues, receipt, fund, refund, bank list etc.
·         Miscellaneous head apply.
·         Common receipt.
·         Search refundable amount.
·         Fund transfer.
·         Dues search.
·         Cheque bounce.
·         Forfeit refundable.
·         Ex Student details.
·         Reports: Date Wise Collection, Head Wise Collection, Cash/ Bank , Student Ledger, Balance and dues/defaulter  report, Bank Payment report.
·         Bank List.
·         Fees Refund.
·         Customization.

Transport Management
·         Route Management.
·         Cab Driver Management.
·         Route allocation with cab and driver.
·         Transport allocate/ Withdrawal.
·         Advance Booking.
·         Route shifting.
·         Integrated with Fees.

Hostel Management
·         Hostel Master.
·         Hostel Room Master.
·         Hostel Allocation/ Withdrawal.
·         Advance Booking.
·         Partner Search with details.
·         Room shifting.
·         Customization.

Student Attendance Management System
·         Teacher Course wise subject Wise Setting.
·         Attendance marking form can be integrated with dashboard.
·         Daily Subject wise, session/ subject attendance marking form.
·         Group Create facility for attendance marking.
·         Periodically attendance report.
·         Daily attendance report with session/topic.
·         Student wise attendance report.
·         Attendance summary: student wise, subject wise attendance.
·         SMS Integration: Student absent SMS, Short attendance SMS etc.
·         Customization.

Staff Information
·         Staff Information Form.
·         Official details.
·         Basic Details.
·         Address Details.
·         General Details.
·         Staff reports like Staff List, Department wise staff list, qualification wise, and experience wise.
·         Staff Search Management.
·         Personal Unique ID for Personal Dashboard, Smart card.
·         Group email/ document sending/receiving facility.
·         Easy to use search function that allows for quick loop up of staff’s information.
·         Staff to be grouped subject wise and official administrative post holdings wise.
·         SMS/Email Server Integration.
·         Customized reports Like Staff Report like Area Wise, Experience Wise etc.
·         Customization.

HR & Staff Attendance Management
·         Define Master Like Leave Package Master, Holiday Master etc.
·         Smart card/ Finger print attendance integration.
·         Manual Punching.
·         Online submission and processing (acceptance / rejection) of leave application.
·         Maintenance of leave records for staff.
·         Export attendance data to payroll.
·         Daily absence reports for administration.
·         Online submission and acceptance of leave.
·         Export attendance data to payroll.
·         Daily absence reports for administration.
·         Performance and appraisal.
·         Resume data bank and search.
·         Customized reports.
·         Customization.

Payroll Management System
·         Automation Salary generation.
·         Integration with Staff attendance.
·         Payroll Head Setting.
·         Staff wise pay scale setting.
·         Salary Calculation.
·         Pay slip, Salary Register, Salary Statement and Other Reports Printing.
·         Forms Printing.
·         Should be able to manage salary components, deduction, leave, PF, any other allowance, etc. of all the employees of the Institute.
·         Staff can access information on their salary breakups, leave categorization, leave balance.
·         Automate processing of staff’s monthly salary.
·         Generation of monthly salary slips.
·         SMS/Email Server Integration.
·         Customized reports.
·         Customerization.

 Student Examination
·         Designed as per all University for any state/country boards etc.
·         Graphical presentation course wise, student wise, Teacher wise, Institute wise for result analysis.
·         Course Wise Subject Setting.
·         Back Paper entry form.
·         Marks Entry form.
·         Print Student Grade Card.
·         Student Result report.
·         Integrated with dashboard.
·         SMS Integration.
·         Exam Related Reports Like Course Wise Subject Wise Performance, Teacher Wise Performance Etc.
·         Customization.

Library Management System
·         Purchase Requisition.
·         Purchase Order.
·         Item Receipt.
·         New Book/Item Entry Form.
·         Item Management.
·         Item Binder.
·         Book data verification.
·         Fine Setting.
·         Book Issue/Return.
·         OPAC Search.
·         Library Report like Author Wise, Subject Wise, Overdue Books, Shelf Wise, Etc.
·         Catalogue of books with ISBN, Author, Title, Publisher, Number of copies of a particular book, and any other customizable information.
·         Librarian is provided with an interface to issue / return a book to / from a person.
·         System alert to the user when a book is due for return or is already late.
·         Search for availability for a book.
·         Various system generated reports, e.g., books due this week, late returns, etc.
·         Library to be able to function offline.
·         Bar Code Integration.
·         Smart Card/ RF Card Integration.
·         SMS/Email Server Integration.
·         Customized reports.
·         Customization .


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