Wednesday, December 26, 2018


The New Year 2019 thinks of bunches of satisfaction, desserts and wafers, a lot of celebrations, blessings, reward and HUGE investment funds to cheer your existence with stunning New Year offers at your entryway. Searching for a Christmas and New Year School, college ERP and, web designingoffer?? We offer you fabulous school, College ERP, and web designing Deals at entirely reasonable costs. Book one of our administration or item for your school and get a markdown on different administrations or items. 

The New year is coming and in the 2019 more innovation, all the newer ideas and work will be paperless. Sonet Microsystems offer finish schools the executives programming which is efficient, paperless and keep ups entire school database with high security.


1.    Paperless Fee accumulation and receipts age.
2.    Programmed Roll number and student I card generation.
3.    Lessen time and keep up school information precisely.
4.    Produce diagram base reports for understudy execution investigation.
5.    Manage staff data with archives and personal id.
6.    Compelling HR the board of worker's payroll, leaves, and participation.
7.    Make database reinforcement, Import student/staff participation on a single click.
8.    Produce effective, altered timetable for educational time and examination time.

Virtually 95% of individuals have an advanced mobile phone and they are utilizing the web for interfacing with the world. School, Colleges and, colleges require Web designing for making consciousness of their essence in the virtual world. A school, college site is a site which would help in giving the essential data to the general population who are looking for data on the equivalent. SonetMicrosystems givesa guarantee that the site must be SEO well disposed, responsive, easy to understand, and test in all program similarity.

Sonet Microsystems Covers Below Pages in School/College Website Design and Development 

1.    Inquiry
2.    Admission through online
3.    Course offered in college and school.
4.    All faculty details
5.    Noticeboard option
6.    Updating school, college timings
7.    All blogs 

Find out about School ERP, College ERP software or web designing,or advancement get in touch with us on 0120-4257801, +919871714785 or mail us on You can likewise check our portfolio, or you can attempt our multi-month free demo of school, college ERP software.

Friday, December 14, 2018


Advancement Rules; therefore the Computers! — Everyone would agree with this reality. PCs have through and through changes the world that we live in and an omnipresent, and that is towards the better. The development and use of PCs have completely changed the way in which the informative establishments like school, colleges and universities work. The movement of guidance and the association of establishments have seen a change with development, for instance, Sonet Microsystems, educational ERP systems.

Advancement has adjusted the business methods of informative associations suitable from the movement of different learning systems to any similarity to online courses to sagacious classroom and understudy the board and taking in the administrators. The latest splendid directions ERP takes after ESSMS by Sonet are changing the field of preparing while in the meantime helping the school, schools and universities to upgrade their exercises while making them progressively sensible and clear over every one of the accomplices.

Provably the best organizations have benefited from the plan of ERP game plans and have made sense of how to construe unfathomable favorable circumstances and cost central purposes of fused systems and best practices in their technique. From now on ERP as a thought isn't new and has been finished over three decades and preparing ERP structure are the equivalent. With a comparison point, Education ERP structures are being executed in the informational foundations for all the more promptly manage their techniques, in a transport of preparing, the leading group of associates and coming full circle the perfect outcome for the understudies. In this way, will a benefit ERP response in due order regarding the schools and colleges is fundamental in this way the criteria to pick these courses of action are comparatively basic. There are some key attributes to pick the right School ERP that you require a couple of bits of information on.

There are some essential characteristics to pick the correct School ERP that you need a few bits of knowledge on.

1. Survey the pre-necessities and pre-establishment situations:  Try not to be in a rush on the choice of actualizing ERP for schools, universities, colleges or grounds. You ought to guarantee that you have adequate information about the advantages that you will get with such an Education ERP framework execution in your organization. To begin with, you have to investigate the pre-necessities that expect you to go for an ERP framework, create targets of the framework and set up the harsh results that you need the ERP to give. This very much characterized research on the extent of execution and goals of the result will guarantee you to pick the correct school ERP framework.

2 Pick the ERP  Software as per your prerequisites: The instruction Management Software would deal with most broad and complex procedures of the instructive foundations and dependent on the dimension of unpredictability and process there is a plenty of ERP programming accessible in the market. You ought to need to carry out and broad research on various sorts of Education Management Software accessible and coordinate it with your effectively characterized execution destinations and degree. Advancements like ESSMS by SONET offer truly outstanding and adaptable arrangements that accompanies coordinated procedures and reports that conveys most extreme incentive to the instructive foundations


Amit Rawat

The author is writing on all website contents, Facebook posting, linkidin post. He is always ready to shares thoughts on any topic.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Why does your school need school management system?

Enterprise resource planning software is the newest answers for business and school framework. These systems give complete business usefulness in a coordinated way. In the disconnected framework or system, it  is an overhead to keep the records related to faculty, students, guardians and other school staff on the papers. Everything identified with their advancement in the system is marked manually.The communication gap between instructor, students and guardians is one of the fundamental issues that heaps of schools are confronting. Effective communication is fundamental for the correct academic performance of students, yet most of the schools fail to execute successful  communication between teacher, students and parents. So school management system helps to communicate very efficiently with the support of ERP technology. Everyone is associated through portal applications or web applications, and any information that must  pass may rapidly send using chat/SMS.

A school has an extensive several advantages or assets such as hostels, libraries, transport services, etc. dealing with these benefits are not straightforward. It requires a ton of execution and time to legitimately deal with these advantages. School management system software ERP has different modules for inventory management. ERP can manage hostels, libraries, school buses, etc. implementing an ERP management system will primarily reduce the time and effort for inventory management.

Maintaining attendance in the customary way has been often a challenging way. It requires a mass of exertion to precisely keep up attendance records in a paper. Activities like sorting students  based on the attendance, recovering  a specific student's attendance details and so  on are difficult in the conventional attendance system. An ERP software can understand all the above issues. It offers paperless participating the executives, which are simple and powerful compared to the other earlier method.

Fee collection and accounting is dependably an overwhelming undertaking for schools. It is difficult together and process cash from each student, A school management system makes it attainable to pay cash on the web through ERP accountant can easily manage  and calculate the payment by using ERP modules which is inbuilt.

In the collection and most important role of ERP software that is secure, Student security is the first priority of every school. An ERP will encourage students, guardians and teachers associated to each other every time in this way guaranteeing the security of students. Now many schools start offering dedicated  modules for live tracking of  students, school transport etc.These are the few and most important points which have included in the ERP system.

About the author:

Amit Rawat

The author is writing on all Content writing of School ERP, Colleges ERP and university  ERP software, Facebook posting, Twitter posting, LinkedIn posting.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Why School Prefers School Management Software?


School Management Software is an effective way to communicate with us sharing of information and circulated in a very faster and effective manner. In spite of sending updates in a dominant way to each and every single parent about the status of child and about the school too.

Every School Organization can get benefits from using school management Software. Which includes parents, teachers, Students and management of every field? School ERP gives trustworthy result more efficiently and accurately on a day to day basis. It is very important to have an efficient manner to run School in order to ensure a learning environment for students and teachings environment for teachers.

With the help of school management software, school can manage various fields by this software. like in make fees Segregation, anytime anywhere fee collection, managing Financial Report generation , General Benefits of this software interaction between administrative department , teachers , students and all other non-teaching Staffs’ Easy to manage and facilitates tasks such as student and staff attendance , weekly test reports , progress Report etc. Easy management of library can be done and this software is designed to bring to requirements of all school, colleges of any size.

Some most essential requirements of every ideal school management software are following:-

1. Effectivie Record Management.
2. Better Communication.
3. Effortless and Powerless Administration.
4. Analysing students Performance.
5. Attendance Management of Students, Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff.

Get your free demo today with Admin.
Call us on : +91-9818640666, 9871714785, 9999054677
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Why Need School ERP for School and College?

Now a day’s school and college wants a fully and flexible automated systems to mange students and staff data. Also manage other meaningful data in a very systematic manner with the software.

There are various benefits using school management software like school ERP software provides effective interaction between administrator department, teacher, students and others non school staff members. Through ERP system all the key functional departments are integrate with each other which helps management to take decisions on the basis of data.

Secondary, everyone can access in this tool because its web based. Through which we can look out and merge the salutation of staff, students, fees, payments or fee due management. We can easily take over library record management. School ERP is helpful in annual reports generation or accounts reports.

About from above requirements School ERP Provides features such as transport management, payroll management.

Get your free demo today with Admin.

Call us on : +91-9818640666, 9871714785, 9999054677

Monday, October 8, 2018

Overall Functional and Technical Capabilities of School and College ERP

Technical Specification for development

Ø  Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
Ø  Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Ø  Languages Used: ASP.NET, C#.NET
Ø  Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Ø  Report: SAP Crystal report for Visual Studio
Ø  ADO.NET for database connection
Ø  HTML, XHTML, CSS , Java Script, JQuery for web development

Benefits of E-SCOP ERP

Ø  An integrated system that operates in (next to) real time, without relying on periodic updates.
Ø  A common database that supports all applications.
Ø  A consistent look and feel throughout each module.
Ø  Absolute control on Institute processes through 100 % automation.
Ø  E-enabled to facilitate Information access for Students, Teachers, Management.
Ø  24X7 availability, anytime – Anywhere.
Ø  Improved Communication among, Students, Teachers, Staff, and Admin.
Ø  Complete Administration Management Systems.
Ø  Simple and easy to implement and maintenance free environment.
Ø  Secure shared and personalized web based service.


Student life cycle+ Academic management + Institute management
Enquiry Management/ CRM
Student Information Management
Academic Module
Fee Management
Transport Management
Hostel Management
Student Attendance
Staff Information
Staff Attendance
Payroll Management
Student Examination

Library Management

Inventory management
Training and Placement

Online Dashboard for Student/ Staff/ Admin

MIS Dashboard for Management/ Admin

Alumni Association

Grievance and Feedback Module
Value added Services – SMS/ Email Integration, Biometric Machine Integration, Payment Gateway Integration 

Sonet Microsystems is Providing smartest and most user friendly School ERP and College ERP, you can Manage your #school from anywhere any time no matter where you are, you can find Real Time Data, Saves time and convenient. Online Exam Result, Online Fees Management, Safe and secure, Absent Alert for Absentees and much more.

Get your free demo today with Admin.

Call us on : +91-9818640666, 9871714785, 9999054677
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